Friday, September 30, 2011

31 Days of Seasoning

I've decided to take on a blog challenge. For 31 days, I will blog about a certain topic. This will most likely be devastatingly transparent, yet it will be a window of Grace for whatever Season of Life you find yourself in.

My Season is unsettled...But Grace isn't.
Regardless of your personal season, you will empathize with the story of a girl who chooses to be seasoned.

Seasoned with Grace. Tears. Joy.

Join me on the porch of my heart. Hear the creaks of wicker rocking chairs. Feel the fall air enwrap you, reminding you that each Season of life should be treasured, and you are not alone.

Regardless of what you see, you are surrounded by Grace.

Join me starting October 1st and enjoy the Seasoning!!!

For more information, check out The Nester!

1 comment:

bendedspoon said...

Hi! I left for you a message yesterday in Nesting Place but it's not visible yet. I made 31 Days of Seasoning buttons for you. Please check the last buttons on my sidebar. If you like it you can grab it. If not, no problem at all - will take it down tomorrow. Blessings to you :)