Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Day 15: Choosing to Grow

I recently heard someone say to me they weren't on speaking terms with God right now. They said, "what has He fixed about this? He could change this at any moment, but He hasn't."

This person is hurting, dealing with health issues, weary of the physical strain and heartache of walking through the unknown. And, honestly? It downright stinks like old chicken in a trashcan that was left out for days. The situation is annoying and neverending and draining, without any answer in sight despite the beauty of modern medicine. A man has walked on the moon, yet the working of the human body is still a mystery.

If God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and able to breathe life into a dust and it becomes man, WHY doesn't he fix this? Why doesn't he make it stop... Lead to a diagnosis...Heal.

I'm lost for words. I love Jesus, and I know He is a GOOD God. I know He restores the brokenhearted and sets the captive free. He shut the mouths of the lions in a pit and protected a man in a fiery furnace.

And then there's Job....

Good ole' Job. The man we would rather not think about when talking about our walk with Jesus. The man who seems to be reincarnated in so many situations today in this imperfect world.

Ebola. Cancer. AIDS. Degenerative neurological diseases. Alzheimer's. Chronic pain. Depression.

The list goes on. Add to it your own. You have probably thought these same things.

I want you to take a moment and watch this clip. It's a beautiful offering in song and the spoken word. I pray you see His glory in the smallest and greatest moments. You are a Child of God, desperately loved, desperately longed for by the Father. It's in these times that you can choose. You can choose to grow in the suffering. You can choose to wilt, wither and fade. But the beauty of all this? You still get to choose.

And here is the story behind the original song:

And please, visit this dear sister's blog journey of her walk. I promise you will not be the same.

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